2018, Number 4
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Rev Cubana Invest Bioméd 2018; 37 (4)
Correlation between leisure and family relationships
Talavera MÁD, Ortega SEA, Romero FE, Chicaiza PLE, Peña FJM, Barreto AJA
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 1-15
PDF size: 314.06 Kb.
Introduction: Leisure and family relationships are two importance variables in
university student normal development; its correlation could indicate some work
strategies in the health field.
Objective: To relate leisure and family relationships in two independent samples.
Methods: The sample selected was 40 students from the Universidad de las Fuerzas
Armadas ESPE (ESPE) and 35 students from the Universidad Central del Ecuador
(UCE). Two internationally validated questionnaires were applied to establish the
relevant correlations.
Results: Descriptive aspects of each independent group studied are detailed. The
correlation of leisure between the independent groups determined significant
differences (p = 0.000) in favor of ESPE students (53.53), while the family
relationships did not determine significant differences (p = 0.810) between
independent groups. The interdependencies established with the Spearman test did
not show conclusive results when relating leisure and family relationships in the
students of the ESPE (bilateral significance: r = 0.038, correlation coefficient: -
0.329), said correlation being low. In the UCE case, the correlation between leisure
and family relationships did not determine a significant difference (r = 0.330).
Conclusions: There is no convincing relationship between the amount of leisure and
the family relationships quality of the student's research, recommending the inclusion
of other related variables for future research.
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