2020, Number 2
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Arch Med Fam 2020; 22 (2)
Mistreate of couple in immigrant women residents in a Urban Health Center of Murcia, Spain
Leal HM, Martínez MF, Pérez VM, García RR
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 83-93
PDF size: 299.76 Kb.
Objectives: To know the opinion of doctors and patients on the use and effectiveness of homeopathy in the consultations.
Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study using two different autocumplimentadas surveys, one conducted physicians (20 items) and other patients (12 items). They were included 184 doctors and 156 patients randomly selected both in hospitals and primary care.
Results: 89.4% (159) of physicians surveyed never use homeopathy, sometimes used 13% (24), almost always 0.6% (1) and provided none. 76.6% (141) of physicians believe that homeopathy is never effective, believe that only sometimes effective 20.7% (38), almost always 1.6% (3) and always 1, 1% (2). Regarding patients surveyed 0.6% (1) seems too bad that your doctor prescribes homeopathy, seems wrong to 18.6% (29) 32.1% Regular (50) or 39, 7% (62) and fine to 9% (14).
Conclusions: The degree of knowledge and opinion about homeopathy among physicians working for the national health system is poor. Patients better value homeopathy doctors working for the national health system.
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