2020, Number 1
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Arch Med Fam 2020; 22 (1)
Morbidities in the Disabilities and Family Care: a View from Gender Medicine
García MI, Rodríguez SIA
Language: Spanish
References: 42
Page: 19-26
PDF size: 208.48 Kb.
This paper seeks to highlight the need for medicine to combine sexual and gender differences in its work. This need is exemplified through the physical, emotional and social morbidities generated by the family care of people with Cerebral Palsy (CP). It is argued in favor of the interaction between social sciences, biology and medicine to understand and improve health / disease / care processes. Biomedicine has biased its studies in different ways, for example, favoring experiments with men and male animals, generating severe deficiencies in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of people in their individuality. If we know that disabilities such as CP aggravate the morbidity of both dependent people and their caregivers when medical diagnoses and treatments do not consider the specific characteristics linked to sex, gender and person, what would it mean to look from the gender medicine approach the care of sick, elderly and/or disabled people who in a high percentage are delegated to women? To explore these concerns, the relationships between sex, gender, disability generated by CP and its approach by conventional medicine and gender medicine are reviewed.
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