2019, Number 29
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INFODIR 2019; 15 (29)
Disruptive technologies and examples of their application in the National Health System
López LCA, Alonso HT, Trápaga CI, Goslyn CL, Valdés PO
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 107-114
PDF size: 118.39 Kb.
Disruptive technologies or disruptive innovation is defined as that technology or innovation that leads to the appearance of products and services that preferably use a disruptive strategy (of disruptive, "that produces abrupt rupture") against a sustainable strategy in order to compete against a dominant technology. This review article aims to show the application of different disruptive technologies according to the area of Public Health through the examples not only used in Cuba but also at a universal level in the medical field in order to extend the knowledge of These technologies and facilitate their knowledge and expand more specifically their uses in the different levels of care of the National Health System.
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