2017, Number 1
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Revista Mexicana de Trastornos Alimentarios 2017; 8 (1)
Anxiety as a predictor of anorexia and bulimia risk: Comparison between universitaries of Baja California and Mexico City
Pineda-García G, Gómez-Peresmitré G, Platas AS, Velasco AV
Language: Spanish
References: 37
Page: 49-55
PDF size: 684.98 Kb.
Although anxiety seems to be a constant in patients with eating disorders, little is
known about its interaction with other variables. Therefore, the main objective of this study
was to compare the risk of anorexia nervosa (AN) and bulimia nerviosa (BN) based on the
sex of participants, degree of anxiety and city of residence. The study is a non-experimental
and cross-sectional design. The sample was nonrandom and consisted of 857 college students
(67% female and 33% male) with a mean age of 21.96 years (
SD = 4.84), 42% were Mexico City
residents and 58% were from Ensenada city. Participants completed two self-report scales, one
for assessing risk of AN and BN, and other to measure anxiety. The findings show that the degree
of anxiety differs according to the city of residence, being higher in Ensenada city. In addition, a
significant interaction was found between the variables; for instance, the risk of BN in Ensenada
city residents increases as anxiety increases. Therefore, it is confirmed not only the importance
of sex and anxiety on eating disorders, but also the interaction of these two variables with the
city of residence.
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