2017, Number 2
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Revista Mexicana de Trastornos Alimentarios 2017; 8 (2)
Anorexia nervosa secondary to an obsessive-compulsive disorder in an adult man with predominant symptoms of scrupulosity
Granja MA, Pérez MV, Gempeler RJ, Rodríguez GM, Ribero SO
Language: Spanish
References: 34
Page: 185-192
PDF size: 498.49 Kb.
It is described the clinical case of a young adult male patient with obsessivecompulsive
disorder (OCD) diagnosis, whose main symptomatology lies in obsessive ideas and
religious rituals (scrupulosity), aimed at fasting, restricting food intake and losing significant
weight (initial body mass index [BMI] of 17.1). We discuss the presence of anorexia nervosa
secondary to OCD, it is described the relationships between the two pathologies, the relevance
of the dual diagnosis in this case, and the particularities and the challenges of the intervention
from the exposure techniques to the prevention response of the cognitive behavioral therapy.
After 20 weeks of treatment, the results show the effectiveness of the intervention, with
a significant decrease (48%) in obsessive-compulsive symptoms, according to the Yale-Brown
Obsessive-Compulsive Scale, and nutritional recovery, reaching a body weight according to his
height and age (
BMI = 22.3). It is concluded that, in cases such as the one described, there is
the need to work both the eating and obsessive symptoms simultaneously, based on a treatment
with multimodal and multidisciplinary approach.
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