2017, Number 2
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Revista Mexicana de Trastornos Alimentarios 2017; 8 (2)
Validation of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale in Mexican population with eating disorders
Barriguete MJA, Pérez BAR, de la Vega MRI, Barriguete Chávez-Peón, Paola; Rojo Ml
Language: Spanish
References: 47
Page: 123-130
PDF size: 395.94 Kb.
Eating disorders (ED) are psychiatric diseases characterized by the alteration of the
caloric intake. Besides, ED have a high comorbidity with depression and anxiety. In Mexico, the
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) has shown to be a valid and reliable instrument in
patients with HIV, cancer, and obesity but its psychometric properties have not been assessed in
patients with ED, being the latter the aim of this research. A total of 325 patients (
Mage = 22.0,
SD = 9.7), completed the HADS. Based on principal axis factoring and oblimin rotation the scale
yielded 12 items divided into two subscales: Depression (with nine items) and Anxiety (with
three items). With this structure was confirmed the internal consistency of the scale (˛ = 0.88)
and the two subscales (˛ › 0.80), however the items did not group in the same order than they
did in the original scale, for this reason the new configuration of the HADS was analyzed in
detail based on the features of the population where the scale was examined, this means, in
patients with ED.
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