2019, Number 3
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2019; 22 (3)
Cognitive behavioral intervention on physical activity in older adults with prediabetes
Huerta SMA, González CRALM
Language: Spanish
References: 43
Page: 2764-2781
PDF size: 208.41 Kb.
The objective of the present investigation was to evaluate the
effects of a cognitive-behavioral intervention to increase the
levels of physical activity and impact on the physiological
indicators (blood glucose and weight) and quality of life of older
adults with prediabetes. Method; Four adults of 60 years and
older participated, with glucose levels between 100mg / dl and
125mg /, aged between 61 and 80 years. Single case design N
= 1, with replicas, pre-post-test and two follow-ups (one month
and three months). The intervention consisted of 8 individual
sessions, one per week, with three components;
psychoeducation, cognitive restructuring and problem solving.
For statistical analyzes, Ji square (χ
2 ) was used for a sample,
and objective clinical change.
Results: a favorable increase in
physical activity and quality of life could be observed with
significant statistical changes (p = .001), and significant clinical
changes, in the same way there were important decreases in
the blood glucose and in the weight of the patients.
Conclusions: the cognitive-behavioral intervention had
beneficial effects on the physical activity, glucose, weight and
quality of life of the elderly with prediabetes.
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