2019, Number 3
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2019; 22 (3)
Socialization in virtual networks. psychometric properties of an instrument in mexican population
Muñoz MS, Regalado OFM, Vega VCZ
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 2733-2749
PDF size: 230.40 Kb.
Currently the way of interacting between adolescents and
young people has moved almost completely to virtual platforms
leaving aside the face-to-face relationships which has brought
with it a series of social, emotional and behavioral
repercussions. Due to the scarce literature and therefore
instruments to know in depth what young people do in social
networks, it was considered important that the present study
reconsider the metric properties of the Socialization Scale in the
ESOC-39 Virtual Social Network, based on: a) the comparison
of the factors reported by the original authors and those
obtained in this study, b) the evaluation of the best factorial
structure for our data and its comparison with the original, c) the
assessment of the reliability levels of different structures
factorial Discrepancies were found regarding the number of
factors and the distribution of the items where the proposed
accommodation would explain a greater percentage of
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