2019, Number 3
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2019; 22 (3)
Sexual conducts in students of health care professions
Novales-Castro XJ, Amato D, Hurtado MMT
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 2658-2670
PDF size: 229.72 Kb.
The sexual conducts of students of health care professions were
assessed. Participants were invited to respond a survey about their
sexual conducts, anticonceptive use, and pregnacy frecuency,
voluntarily and anonimously. The survey was responded by 2640
students, 703 men and 1937 women, studying odontology, nursing,
medicine, or psicology. Sexual relations had been initiated by 70% of
the participants (82% males and 66% females). Most of the
participants initiated sexual relations after they were 17 years old,
and only 5% of them after they were 20 years old. Preservative use
was low (males 61%, females 44%). Only 49% of the males and
56% of the females reported having used anticonceptive methods;
16% of the females had been pregnant, while 9% of the males
reported a pregnancy of their partners. In this sample, 91% of the
males and 72% of the females have had their first sexual relation
before they were 18 years old. Males initiated sexual active life
before than females did. Condom use was low, and its use was even
lower as the age of the respondents increased. More efective
education and prevention campaigns are needed.
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