2019, Number 4
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Aten Fam 2019; 26 (4)
Impact of an Educational Strategy on Sexual and Reproductive Health in High School Adolescents
Cadena TCA, Martini BHA
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 140-144
PDF size: 142.63 Kb.
Objective: to assess the impact of a
participatory educational strategy on
the knowledge of high school adolescents
on sexual and reproductive
Methods: Quasi-experimental
study in a group of 37 ninth-grade
students from a public high school in
Mexico City, during the month of May
2017, an instrument that measured
knowledge in sexual and reproductive
health was built and validated. After a
pre-sampling test, its reliability was calculated
with Cronbach’s alpha test and
the Mann Whitney’s U-test was used
to compare the instrument’s two halves
(semi-partition) and verify whether
or not there was a difference between
them. The educational strategy lasted
three days and each activity consisted
of three phases: 1) previous activity, 2)
work and discussion in subgroups and
3) plenary session. The instrument was
applied before and after the participatory
educational strategy and the results
were compared with the McNemar test.
Results: the reliability coefficient of the
instrument was 0.7; comparing both
halves no statistically significant difference
was found between them (p=0.06).
40.5% of participants gained high
knowledge before the strategy (n=15)
and 72.9% after the strategy (n=27),
with a statistically significant difference
Conclusion: the participatory
educational strategy proved useful,
this can be of great help for adolescents
to develop their own knowledge about
sexual and reproductive health, and
consequently can be applied in their
daily lives.
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