2019, Number 5
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Med Crit 2019; 33 (5)
Incidence of Burnout syndrome in intensive care residents in third-level hospitals. International multicentre study (INCIBUS study)
Valero‑Vidal M, Rivera‑Chávez MJ, Magder S, González‑Carrillo PL, Lozada‑Hernández EE, Valero‑Rodríguez JE
Language: Spanish
References: 50
Page: 238-244
PDF size: 172.10 Kb.
Introduction: Burnout syndrome is an entity that arises from a continuous response to conditions of chronic stress in environments with high demand for attention. International literature reports presentation of this syndrome among residents from 27 to 75%, depending on the specialty.
Objective: To know incidence of syndrome in residents of intensive care in hospitals of third level of care in North America.
Material and methods: Prospective, cross-sectional, observational study.
Population: Intensive therapy residents, in third level hospitals (Mexico and Canada). Maslach questionnaire was used, SPSS 25 analysis, descriptive statistics for distribution of variables, comparison between Whitney U Mann groups, comparison between Fisher’s exact test groups, p ‹ 0.05.
Results: Burnout syndrome is present in 100% of the critical care residents studied.
Conclusion: Burnout syndrome has a high incidence in critical care residents of tertiary hospitals in North America. More studies are required, evaluate differences in residency programs to have more information about the presentation of this syndrome in one of the specialties that demand highest level of attention and care in patients.
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