2018, Number 2
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Revista Mexicana de Trastornos Alimentarios 2018; 9 (2)
Eating difficulties in early childhood and its relation to parental feeding practices
Castaño TLA, Molano VM, Varela AMT
Language: Spanish
References: 38
Page: 196-207
PDF size: 158.47 Kb.
The objectives of this study were to describe the feeding practices of parents who have children in early childhood,
as well as to compare those parents of children with and without feeding difficulties (FD). Participants were 93 fathers/
mothers between 20 and 44 years old, 33 of them had children with FD. The fathers/mothers completed the
feeding section of the Parenting Practices Questionnaire to promote Early Childhood Health Habits (PCHS, for its
acronym in Spanish), which assess responsive, non-responsive, indulgent and negligent practices; in addition, they
answered eight questions aimed at investigating the context of child feeding. Most of parents reported using responsive
practices (monitoring, setting limits and modeling); however, parents of children with FD also highlighted
the use of non-responsive practices (e.g., pressure or nagging their children to eat), indulgences (e.g., feeding the
child in the place the child chooses) and negligent (e.g. leave the child alone at the time of eating). The results base
that interaction in feeding situations is as important as the quality and quantity of food consumed by the child,
making it possible to visualize the problem of FD in early childhood.
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