2006, Number 3
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Rev Mex Patol Clin Med Lab 2006; 53 (3)
The clinical record in Mexico; reflections about a topic in debate
Sánchez-González JM, Ramírez-Barba EJ
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 166-173
PDF size: 66.88 Kb.
Today we us must train the new model of the relation physician-patient opposite to the new role that the patients claim. There have been generated new challenges and complexities to that to attend. The access of the patient to clinical information about your state of health turns about the clinical record, and in the last years it has been a motive of discussion in the whole world. On having discussed to whom it belong the clinical record and the information in it contents, must centre on the context of the ethical principles that they guide medicine proceeds and in what marks the Law. The regulation in Latin America shows opposite positions, but the important thing is to recognize the importance that has the above mentioned information for the patient and the attention to your health, in the opportune moment or when he should request it, for it we must be always ready to deliver a clinical complete summary in your benefit. The present paper approaches the topic comparing the operated in other countries, to motivate the reflection that leads us to the adoption of the best solution in benefit of the patient and the best medical practice, attending to the respect to the rights of all the involved ones.
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