2019, Number 1
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Revista Mexicana de Trastornos Alimentarios 2019; 10 (1)
Body image based on sex and nutritional status: Association with the construction of self and others
Escandón-Nagel N, Vargas JF; Herrera AC, Pérez AM
Language: Spanish
References: 47
Page: 32-41
PDF size: 145.82 Kb.
Both distortion and dissatisfaction with body image are crucial in the development of eating disorders. This study
analyzes body dissatisfaction (BD) of young adults based on sex and nutritional status, as well as their relation to
the construction of the self and others. A total of 73 university students (53% women) aged 18-28 (
M = 21.96,
SD =
2.04) answered a BD assessment that includes Anatomical Models Sheets, and the construction of the self and the
others with the Grid Technique; In addition, the body mass index (BMI) was calculated from self-reported weight
and height. Men reported more body distortion vs. women (
p = .04), as well as participants with normal weight vs.
overweight-obesity (
p = .01); conversely, BD was more common in the group with overweight-obesity (
p = .03). In
women, perceived BMI correlated positively with social isolation, while self-definition “as obese” was associated
with BMI and with lower self-esteem; in men, self-definition only correlated with social isolation. Although men had
higher body distortion, in women, BD was related to more aspects of their identity.
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