2018, Number 3
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Rev Cubana Invest Bioméd 2018; 37 (3)
Physical activity influence on fine and gross motor skills in female elderly
Salazar QMM, Calero MS
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 1-13
PDF size: 196.23 Kb.
Introduction: Psychomotricity integrates cognitive, emotional, symbolic, and
sensory-motor interactions in the capacity to be and express themselves in a
psychosocial context. Aging causes reduction of motor repertoire together with the
slowness in reflexes and decrease of muscular tone at rest, among other factors,
causes lack of coordination and motor clumsiness, there being in the long term the
impossibility of carrying out daily activities.
Objective: To analyze the influence of a specific physical activity program for fine
and gross motor skills of the older female, comparing the influences exerted in a
group with systematic participation and another group with limited participation.
Methods: Two independent groups of 34 women between 60-80 years old are
studied, with a medium socioeconomic level, residents of Selva Alegre - Sangolquí. A
specialized program of physical activity was applied during four months, implementing
ten daily activities with greater magnitude of fine motor skills and ten of gross motor
skills, evaluating in two moments the motor performance under a scale between 1-5
Results: Significant differences were found in fine and gross motor skills when
comparing both independent groups (p = 0.000), favoring group 1 (systematic motor
skills) over group 2 (limited motor skills).
Conclusions: Systematic participation significantly improves fine and gross motor
skills in older women than in limited participation.
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