2018, Number 3
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Rev Cubana Invest Bioméd 2018; 37 (3)
Association of diabetes and dyslipidemia in a 7 to 11-year-old child with high birth weight
Rodríguez VN, Fernández-Britto JE, Martínez PTP, Martínez GR, Castañeda GC, García NRM, Marcel HN, Plana LR, Garriga RM
Language: Spanish
References: 34
Page: 1-15
PDF size: 173.08 Kb.
Introduction: We must recognize that changes in lifestyles, nutritional habits, socioeconomic-
cultural changes have led to an epidemic of coronary disease, obesity,
dyslipidemia, hypertension, diabetes, etc., while nutritional errors lead to possible
Fetal malnutrition that may have a defect in the genetic regulation, metabolism or
hormonal regulation that later favor certain adult pathologies.
Objective: To demonstrate whether high birth weight (macrosomia) is a predictor of
risk factors (accelerator) in the early stages of life, such as the association of diabetes
and dyslipidemia.
Method: A descriptive study was carried out with a case - control design with children
born between January 1992 and December 1995, in order to identify early risk factors
(atherosclerotic accelerators) such as diabetes mellitus and dyslipidemia in children
From 7 to 11 years, who have a history of macrosomia or high birth weight.
Result: The assessment of cholesterol and HDL according to the classification of
diabetes mellitus, are not statistically significant in the study group (Macrosomics),
the same is true of the control group, although HDL calculation is not performed in
the control group because it has many cells With zero. The assessment of LDLcholesterol
and triglyceride their association with diabetes in the study group is not
statistically significant, and in the control group the association of LDL with diabetes is
not significant, calculations are not performed with triglycerides because they have
many Cells with zero.
Conclusions: No significant statistical association was found between cholesterol
ester values and diabetes titration in any of the two groups (macrosomic and normal
birth weight), so high birth weight is not a predictor for association of diabetes and
dyslipidemia. Concern both in the study group (Macrosomic) and control (normal birth
weight), the number of children with HDL altered 30% and 25% respectively, since it
is a cellular protector.
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