2018, Number 3
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Rev Cubana Invest Bioméd 2018; 37 (3)
Functional physical condition and risk of falls in older adults
Riaño CMG, Moreno GJ, Echeverría ALS, Rangel CLG, Sánchez DJC
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 1-10
PDF size: 92.28 Kb.
Introduction: Approximately 30% of subjects older than 60 years may experience a
fall during their life, an event that in most cases demands hospital care and can lead
to death. Falls are considered the second cause of death for accidental injuries in the
elderly population and the decrease in physical condition in this age is usually one of
its triggering factors. Thus, shows that the health condition in this population should
be evaluated according to the degree of the functional capacity, since its alteration
might generate consequences on the family, the community and the health system.
Objective: To determine the physical and risk of falls in older adults belonging to the
Sports and Recreation Institute of Barrancabermeja (INDERBA).
Methods: analytical cross-sectional study, carried out on 40 subjects to whom the
Tinetti scale was applied to identify risk of falling and the Senior Fitness Test battery
that determines functional physical fitness.
Results: All the components of the physical fitness, except flexibility, were above the
average according to the age range of the population. In addition, it was observed
that the risk of falling is inversely proportional to weight, to BMI, to muscular
resistance and directly proportional to agility p <0.05.
Conclusions: The population group evaluated shows low risk of falling, however, it is
suggested to control body weight, promote strength training and muscle power, which
can lead to a decrease in the incidence of falling.
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