2019, Number 4
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Rev Mex Neuroci 2019; 20 (4)
Practical considerations for integral approach of people with intellectual disabilities
Magaña-Gómez JA, Domínguez-Castro FA, Álvarez-Parra IY, Espinoza-Solís L, Angulo-Rojo CE, Castro-Pérez R, Duarte-De la Peña G
Language: English
References: 23
Page: 186-193
PDF size: 162.55 Kb.
People with some disability have worse health prognosis due to biological complications, inadequate access to health services,
higher economic expenses, and difficulties in the communication of sensations and perceptions. Therefore, therapeutic
strategies and the knowledge generated through scientific research are useful to improve their quality of life. This review
addresses the most relevant issues for professionals who are interested in this field, offering the most accepted definition
with its implications up to the description of the conditions that should be considered when giving a treatment, conducting
research, raising public policies, modifying the health schemes, and availability of supports, among others. For this, the different
domains of intellectual capacity, as well as the affected biological systems, are presented to carry out practical actions
and generate objective knowledge that enhances the quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities.
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