2019, Number 2
Hyperbaric oxygen in patients with chronic coronary disease
Language: Spanish
References: 39
Page: 1-18
PDF size: 262.84 Kb.
Introduction. Heart diseases constitute an important health problem. Within these diseases the ischemic heart disease to demonstrate the bigger death rates universal has special relevance. There are positive results in the use of the hyperbaric oxygen in patients with cardiovascular diseases. They try to describing the effect of the hyperbaric oxygenation in the evolution of patients with chronic coronary artery disease. Methods. A descriptive, longitudinal, prospective study came true. Of the 98 patients appreciated with chronic ischemic heart disease, only 51 were treated with hyperbaric oxygenation in the period January 2010 to July of 2013. They excluded themselves them under 18 elderly years, pregnant women, denied to investigation, and the ones that did not conclude the 3 cycles of treatment. 10 sessions gave every three months with hyperbaric oxygenation in camera multi-plaza themselves HAUX to 2.2 TIES during 50 minutes. Information processing came true by means of the statistical package SPSS version 13,0 for Windows. Descriptive measures of summary were used: Stocking and standard deviation for them quantitative and percentage for the qualitative. Results. The Middle Ages belonged to 65,5±10,3 years, with a predominance of the masculine sex (76,5 %). 39,2 % of the total, had a lessened ejection fraction left ventricular. Improvement of the symptoms like stuffiness, pain at rest were observed and to the effort in a 82,6 %, 95,8 % and 84,0 % respectively decrease of the dose of nitrite in a 93,9%, as well as frequency, intensity and duration of the anginous crises. They did not improve the signs of edema, arrhythmias and third noise. Conclusions. It was concluded that the hyperbaric oxygenation is an useful treatment in the patient bearers of chronic ischemic heart disease.REFERENCES
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