2017, Number 2
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Rev Mex Med Forense 2017; 2 (2)
Determination of craniometric point tables based on cephalometry in Veracruz: a study with recent corpses of medical-legal cases in the District of Xalapa, Ver: original article
Toral ZT, Denis RPB, Jiménez BCA
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 1-10
PDF size: 220.42 Kb.
Introduction. Facial sculptural reconstruction uses the modeling of plastic materials on a plaster model, as a support in the process of legal medical identification; to do this, in Veracruz, tissue thickness values are based on specific cephalometric points, based on tables elaborated more than 200 years ago in European and North American populations. Our goal is to determine new tables based on values obtained from individuals born in the state of Veracruz, Mexico.
Material and Methods: We included 472 cadavers with less than 6 hrs of postmortem interval (82.2% males) aged between 15 and 103 years; the measurement of soft tissue thickness was carried out in 14 cephalometric points (8 medial, 6 left paramedial) with a standardized technique and millimetric measurement with a digital Vernier; simple arithmetic averages were obtained at each cephalometric point and the tables obtained were compared with those elaborated by Blumenbach for mongoloid population.
Results: The values obtained were proportional to those recorded in the tables of Blumenbach, but were higher in all the cephalometric points studied, with a statistically significant difference.
Conclusion: The values obtained allowed us to elaborate a table with reference values for facial sculptural reconstruction in the Veracruz population; similar studies need to be replicated in other parts of the country to assess their national applicability. It is evident that the tables of Blumenbach do not apply to the anthropological pattern of our population.
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