2019, Number 1
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Rev Mex Patol Clin Med Lab 2019; 66 (1)
Antinuclear antibodies in patients with clinical suspicion of autoimmune disease
Santafé-Sarzosa L, Sáenz-Flor K, Cuero R, Arévalo J
Language: Spanish
References: 38
Page: 6-12
PDF size: 238.50 Kb.
Autoimmune diseases are characterized by the production of autoantibodies against own structures of the nucleus and cytoplasm. AID’s incidence estimation is between 1-20/100,000 habitants per year, with a prevalence of 3 to 5% in general population. Indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) is the reference method for ANA determination establishing expressiveness and pattern in HEp-2 cells. Antinuclear antibodies (ANA) are used for screening of Autoimnune disease. This study aims to determine the prevalence of expressiveness of ANA and their specific antigens in patients AID’s clinical suspicion and the agreement of IFI-ANA automated and IFI-ANA manual. This is a cross-sectional epidemiologic study carried out in 540 samples from patients with clinical suspicion of AID. Patient´s average age was 43.4 ± 16.7 years, with a prevalence of female sex (75.8%). An automatic diagnostic platform (HELIOS
™) was used to determine the expressiveness of ANA. Simultaneously, two trained observers to establish agreement between methods read IIF manual. Positive samples from automated system were subjected to qualitative detection of IgG (17 antigens ANA) using Immunoblot assay. The expressiveness of ANA-IIF was 27.9% (CI
95% 24.1 - 31.7%), from which 30.9% positive expressiveness were from women and 17.24% in men (p ‹ 0.05). The most frequent pattern observed was fine speckled (35.76%). Overall, 31.8% (IC
95% 24.4-39.2%) of the ANA positive patients (n = 151) expressed some antibodies by immunoblot, being the most frequent the dsDNA (25%). The agreement between IIF manual and HELIOS
™ was high (Kappa 0.79). The identified ANA’s prevalence is comparable to other populations. A directly proportional relationship between the titles of ANA-IIF and the expression of antigens by Immunoblot was establish.
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