2019, Number 2
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Rev Cubana Pediatr 2019; 91 (2)
Scientific production in the Cuban Journal of Pediatrics during the period 2005-2016
Valdespino-Alberti AI, Álvarez TI, Sosa-Palacios O, Arencibia-Jorge R, Dorta-Contreras AJ
Language: Spanish
References: 40
Page: 1-22
PDF size: 381.58 Kb.
Introduction: The Cuban Journal of Pediatrics has been published continuously during
90 years. However, there are not bibliometric studies that have characterized this prestigious
journal, which is an aspect of special interest for the Journal´s editorial committee.
Objective: To analyze the scientific production of the Cuban Journal of Pediatrics, with the
aim to establish policies for the continuous improvement of its editorial processes.
Methods: A descriptive bibliometric study was carried out from 2005 to 2016, using Scopus
and SciELO databases. A total of 620 published articles were retrieved. The retrieved items
were introduced into an ad hoc database using EndNote X7 for normalization purposes. A
battery of bibliometric indicators for data analysis was applied. The gender perspective was
used to analyze authorship. Bibexcel, UCINET, NetDraw, Gephi and Microsoft Excel 2013
were used as software for data processing, analysis and visualization.
Results: The most productive authors and institutions were identified. A Price index of
0.41 was calculated, which indicates low updating of the sources used for research
development. Original and review articles were predominant, as well as Spanish as the
publication language. National and international collaboration networks were studied.
Conclusions: Low international contribution in journal contents, and obsolescence of
references were the main negative aspects identified. Bibliometric characterization allowed
knowing strategic factors for a future editorial policy of the journal.
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