2015, Number 2
Current educational status of students with learning disabilities in Centro Habana 2011-2013
Language: Spanish
References: 32
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Introduction: Education is considered to be a health determinant.Objectives: Identify the current educational status of adolescents and young people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), learning disorders (LD) and nonspecific learning difficulties (NSLD) diagnosed seven years before. Evaluate the differences in educational status according to the learning problem diagnosed.
Method: A cross-sectional epidemiological study was conducted. A questionnaire was applied to obtain data about the students' current educational status.
Results: The most significant educational problems identified were the following: attending a grade below their age, failing subjects, considering dropping out of school, attending a Diagnosis and Orientation Center (DOC) and/or a special school, and dropping out of elementary or junior high school.
Conclusions: Late adolescent and young students from the three groups were found to have similar educational problems, predominantly attending a grade below their age and failing subjects for those with ADHD, and considering dropping out of school, attending a DOC and/or special school, and dropping out of elementary or junior high school for those with LD. Students with NSLD had the fewest educational problems.
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