2018, Number 4
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Revista Cubana de Educación Médica Superior 2018; 32 (4)
Teaching roles and skills according to educational scenarios in Health-related majors
Ortega-Bastidas JA, Matus-Betancourt O, Parra-Ponce P, Oyarzo-Pereira J, Oliva-Montero C, Henríquez-Valenzuela Y, Mocoçain-Campos N, Schilling-Norman MJ, Márquez-Urrizola C
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 121-130
PDF size: 209.83 Kb.
Introduction: Health-related majors are characterized by contemplating two educational contexts: the classroom, which covers almost the entire curricular plan in the basic cycle and an important part of the pre-clinical cycle; and the clinical teaching context, which characterizes the last cycle of professional training in Health Sciences.
Objectives: To describe the teaching roles currently practiced in different educational contexts of health majors in a high-complexity university in Chile.
Methods: Qualitative research, grounded theory by Strauss and Corbin. Two instruments were used for data collection, with prior informed consent: semi- -structured individual interviews and focus group, by theoretical sampling. The participants were 31 teachers from six Health Sciences majors. The constant comparison method was used for the data analysis. The data were processed in Atlas ti.
Results: Differences were observed in the role played by the professor working in the classroom, where skills are displayed permitting greater control over the teaching-learning process, and the role played in clinical fields, where various spontaneous strategies must be deployed.
Conclusions: The teaching skills allow the professor to adapt to the educational teaching scenarios; however, it also causes professors to exercise other types of teaching roles than those proposed in the theory.
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