2019, Number 1
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2019; 22 (1)
Differences in time orientation between mexican and argentinian university students
Difabio AH, Vázquez SM, Noriega M, Lourdes GM
Language: Spanish
References: 44
Page: 222-245
PDF size: 226.42 Kb.
Time orientation ‒to the past, present or future‒ is a variable of
relevance insofar as it exerts a dynamic influence on various aspects of
human behavior. Although there is a large body of research available
from the seminal article by Zimbardo and Boyd (1999), in Latin America
‒with the exception of the study by González Lomelí et al. (2018) that
compares Mexican and Colombian students‒ these are works
circumscribed to the different countries. The present study is aimed to
explore the differences between profiles of time orientation in
Argentinian and Mexican students of university level (sample of 307
participants, 39% Argentine and 61% Mexican, in a range of 17 to 35
years). For this, were applied the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory
(ZTPI - Zimbardo y Boyd, 1999), some items of the Transcendental
Future Time Perspective Inventory (TFTPI - Boyd y Zimbardo, 1997)
and others developed
ad hoc. Analysis of variance (ANOVA), difference
tests of two independent proportions and k-means cluster analysis were
performed. The results show that three profiles of time orientation are
formed, the Adaptive Transcendental, the Intermediate and the
Hedonist-Fatalist, which respond to cultural characteristics.
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