2019, Number 1
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2019; 22 (1)
Scales of the intellectual coefficient and the detection of the emotional expression through the look in students of physical education of Santiago of Chile
Maureira CF, Bravo RP, Ramírez NMA, Fuentealba CD
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 46-58
PDF size: 181.90 Kb.
The aims of the present investigation were to establish scales
for the intellectual coefficient and the detection of emotions in
the look, and it determines if relation exists between these
variables. For it there was in use a sample of 191 students of
physical education of a private university of Santiago of Chile.
There was applied the test of progressive matrices of General
Scale´s Raven and the test of the Baron-Cohen´s look. The
results you show a percentile 25=46 points, percentile 50=50
points and percentile 75=52 points in the Raven. For your part
the test of the look presents a percentile 25=19 points,
percentile 50=21 points and percentile 75=23 points. In both
variables differences do not appear for sex. Neither relation
exists in the intellectual coefficient and the detection of
emotions in the look. New investigations are suggested in
populations of major size and in different regions of the country
to establish national scales.
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