2018, Number 3-4
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Rev Sanid Milit Mex 2018; 72 (3-4)
Determination of the professional competences of the graduates in Public Health
Alonso-Sánchez S, Vázquez-Guzmán MA
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 187-197
PDF size: 227.15 Kb.
Introduction: In the Mexican Army and Air Force (FAM) there are no studies on the competences of professional personnel dedicated to public health.
Objectives: To determine if the graduates of the Military School of Health Officials (EMOS) have the competences to carry out the essential public health functions (EPHF).
Material and methods: Observational, transversal and analytical study. It was determined if the personnel graduated from the EMOS possessed the necessary competences to perform the EPHF. The statistical difference was established between the group that did possess them and those that did not (Student’s t test). The comparison of statistical difference between the degree in Public Health and Medical Emergencies versus the Master’s and Specialized Technical Course was made with a Z of proportions.
Results: 53.52% of the graduates of the EMOS had the professional competences for the realization of the EPHF, existing statistical difference between those who possessed them and those who did not (t Student 0.015). There was a statistical difference between the Master’s degree and the Degree in Public Health (z = -2.9226); there was no difference versus the Specialized Technical Course in Public Health (z = 0.01116).
Conclusions: Graduates of the EMOS do not have the competences to carry out the EPHF.
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