2018, Number 3
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Arch Inv Mat Inf 2018; 9 (3)
The building and validation of an instrument to determine clinical competence of resident physicians to patients with preeclampsia-eclampsia
Pérez PA, Martínez CME, Yépez JR, Casas PD
Language: Spanish
References: 32
Page: 94-99
PDF size: 91.89 Kb.
The buildig of knowledge in the health field requires many analysis whose purpose is the improving of the knowledge of future Physicians. The degrees of advancement of knowledge need to be measured in an objective manner for an adequate analysis and effectively planning the strategies and contents. During 2017 in Villahermosa, Tabasco, Mexico, a research study was carried for developing an instrument that measures the clinical competence of newly admitted medical resident of different specialties. The instrument involves the three areas of knowledge (Knowing how to know, knowing how to do.
Objective: The purpose of the design was to develop and validate a documentary measurement instrument to determine the clinical competence of resident physicians before patients with preeclampsia-eclampsia, in a public hospital in Villahermosa, Tabasco of the IMSS.
Material and methods: During 2017, the clinical competence instrument development process was carried out with 47 residents of HGZ No. 46 of Villahermosa, Tabasco, sample obtained by natural group, where 5 summaries of real clinical cases of patients with preeclampsia were made including the best clinical indicators. The item depuration was performed using the Delphos method, with an agreement of 80% or more (Kappa index) where three rounds of experts were needed. The assessment of explainable answers by chance was made with Pérez-Padilla formula. Internal consistency was calculated by Cronbach’s alpha formula. The purpose of the design was to develop and validate a documentary measurement instrument to determine the clinical competence of resident physicians in patients with preeclampsia-eclampsia, in a public hospital in Villahermosa, Tabasco of the IMSS.
Results: The instrument reached a reliability of 0.81, through the formula of Cronbach’s alpha. The levels of competence in the area of know-how were the following: very high (111-134), high (87-110), medium (64-86), low (41-63), very low, (19-40), chance: (0-18); sphere of know-how: high performance (80% or more), average performance (60-79) and low performance (59% or less), and the sphere of knowing to be: adequate (80 or more) and inadequate (79 or less).
Conclusions: The instrument to measure clinical competence in patients with preeclampsia eclampsia has an adequate internal validity and is considered useful to measure clinical competence in patients with pre-eclampsia-eclampsia.
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