2018, Number 4
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Rev CONAMED 2018; 23 (4)
Socio cultural aspects related to diabetes: A qualitative analysis
Guillén-Cadena DM, Flores-Atilano B
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 182-189
PDF size: 108.09 Kb.
Introduction: Chronic diseases represent a great concern in the field of public health worldwide due to their excessive increase, especially in developing countries, given the population growth, sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy practices in the daily diet. Which are related to sociocultural aspects. A chronic disease represents a disturbing event with permanent affections to everyday life, generating critical ruptures in the self-structure of the individual. Health personnel and social relationships in general are important sources of support, serving as psychosocial mediators of adaptation and maintenance of health for those with diabetes.
Material and methods: Descriptive qualitative research, the descriptive phenomenological method proposed by Edmund Husserl was used. The data collection was carried out through the semi-structured interview, the participant observation and the field notes. A guide instrument of questions related to the object of study was designed. The selection of the informants was carried out according to the typical ideal, there were seven informers of legal age who had more than five years of being diagnosed with diabetes mellitus (DM); the analysis of the data was carried out as proposed by Krueger (1991): transcription, coding, formation of themes and subthemes, looking for the relationships between them.
Results: After having carried out an in-depth analysis of the interviews, the following topics were found: Family, work and health system aspects.
Discussion and conclusions: The sociocultural aspects are decisive during the process of diagnosis, adaptation and acceptance of diabetes. Among those that highlight, the family, work, health system, etc. are, given its influence on the path that the patient takes to suffer from this disease; the development of social capital gradually generates a remarkable independence resulting from empowerment for learning acquisition by living in society and suffering in any field.
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