2018, Number 2
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Arch Inv Mat Inf 2018; 9 (2)
Abused child syndrome: diagnosis and dental management. A case report
Velázquez RDP, Cárdenas MMA, Guadarrama QLJ
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 70-75
PDF size: 196.34 Kb.
The National Commission of Human Rights defines the abused child syndrome as «any extreme form of threats, repression, punishment or humiliation that inflicts physical, psychological or moral suffering on a human being, and even more so if it is a minor». In Mexico and many parts of Latin America, child abuse is growing, which is why medical personnel must know how to identify the physical characteristics of these children, as well as the attitudes of the abuser, its clinical management and the legal options that exist in our country. In this report, we explain the clinical management that was given to our patient and provide suggestions on the legal-medical action that should be taken with patients that suffer child abuse. In 1924, the Declaration of Geneva was born: Children’s rights; number IX: No to abuse. Since 1980, child abuse is recognized as a priority in society; it does not distinguish race, sex, or social status.
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