2017, Number 2
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Rev Esp Cienc Salud 2017; 20 (2)
Violence and attribution of conflict in couple relationships
Vargas NBI, López PMS, Cortes ME
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 40-48
PDF size: 167.69 Kb.
Attribution theory refers to the conflict between couples because it provides a cognitive framework for the understanding of their violent behavior. In the present study, the relationship between the attribution of aggression with personal characteristics of violence and the appreciation of the relationship and of oneself was analyzed. 165 women and 135 men aged 18 to 60 years old from Mexico City collaborated. The results indicate that when men and women attribute aggression to the intentionality of the partner to do harm, they respond with equally violent behavior such as humiliation, they retaliate, consider that the partner is responsible for the conflict; there is jealousy and the other one hinders. Likewise, if they are not willing to understand the partner, they blame him or her for the violence they experience.
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