2018, Number 5
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salud publica mex 2018; 60 (5)
Psychometric validation of an instrument to evaluate the context of quality improvement and accreditation of hospitals
Zapata-Vanegas M, Saturno-Hernández PJ
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 528-538
PDF size: 272.93 Kb.
Objective. To adapt and validate an instrument to measure
the context factors which favor quality improvement
initiatives and accreditation of hospitals.
Materials and
methods. The model and questionnaire Model for Understanding
Success in Quality (MUSIQ) is adapted and validated
for application in Spanish-speaking countries and its specific
use in hospital accreditation projects. The theoretical construct
of its dimensions is assessed by confirmatory factor
analysis (Bartlett test and Kaiser-Meyer-Olkim index) and
internal consistency (Cronbach’s α), in a study carried out
in a sample of 54 hospitals of medium and high complexity
in Colombia.
Results. Instrument with four dimensions of
context (environment, macrosystem, microsystem, quality
team), composed of 23 elements that are measured through
35 variables. Factor analysis showed statistical significance
and adequacy of the dimensions, which had also good internal
Conclusion. Adapted instrument with usefulness
for measurement of context elements that can promote
initiatives of improvement and accreditation in hospitals.
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