2018, Number S1
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2018; 56 (S1)
Community model of healthy aging framed in resilience and generativity
Mendoza-Núñez VM, Vivaldo-Martínez M, Martínez-Maldonado ML
Language: Spanish
References: 34
Page: 110-119
PDF size: 305.13 Kb.
The Research Unit in Gerontology at the Facultad de Estudios Superiores
(FES) Zaragoza, from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de
México (UNAM), has developed a comprehensive model aimed at the
promotion of healthy aging within the context of community development.
The model is centered on the implementation of intensive educational
programs addressed towards groups of older persons in what is known
as “Gerontological Nuclei”. Although it is true that there are satisfactory
results, one limitation of the model is the difficulty of its implementation
without supervision and university support. For this reason, two components
have been included: resilience and generativity, which together
could positively impact the model by strengthening contextual and personal
components that are linked to healthy behavior. The approach of
generativity and resilience are basic elements for the strengthening of
human capacities during aging, since they can favor the autonomy, independence
and decision-making capacity of people in the personal and
community spheres. The article presents a model of healthy aging with
possibilities of application at community level.
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