2018, Number S1
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2018; 56 (S1)
Geriatric intervention: Strategy to enhance the social roles of the elderly
Piña-Morán M, Olivo-Viana MG, Martínez-Maldonado ML, Mendoza-Núñez VM
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 102-109
PDF size: 380.37 Kb.
At the global level, population aging is an issue that is becoming increasingly
important due to the great impact it will have on the 21st century
society. It is essential to develop policies, strategies and actions aimed
at addressing the issues that will arise from the rapid increase in this
segment of population. The aim of this paper is to propose the geriatric
intervention as a strategy for the development of the older people in their
community. We expose the epistemological frame, the theoretical and
methodological support and the need to find a language to incorporate
the older adult actively to society, in a condition of total equality. The
moments of the situation analysis for strategic planning (explanatory,
normative, strategic, tactical and operational) are explained. The model
has been implemented in Chile and inspired the community development
centers (CDC). It has been implemented as well in community interventions
of social work. Working from this perspective implies to overcome
the approaches that visualize older adults only as sick or disabled people,
to assume the dynamics of life that these people experience in their
communitarian spaces, as well as the possibility to continue with their
development, to exercise citizenship, to demand respect for their rights
and enhance their social roles.
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