2018, Number 2
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Rev Hosp Jua Mex 2018; 85 (2)
Opioid analgesic administration in the management of acute abdomen
Palacios-Cañizares EJ, González-León FD, Hernández-Aguilar S, Sanabria-Trujillo R, Valenzuela-Téllez W, Pinto-Angulo VM, Rendón-Macías ME
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 70-77
PDF size: 221.40 Kb.
Introduction: One of the main reasons for patients to visit emergency services is acute abdomen (AA) and to give a specific treatment it is necessary to have a fast and precise diagnosis of the etiology. Because of the overpopulation and saturation on health systems, it is crucial to improve the quality of care, a suitable analgesia that does not modify the signs and symptoms could make an important impact on early attention.
Objectives: To define the benefits of using opioid-type analgesics that does not cover the clinical symptoms of AA, to improve the localization and to decrease the pain without altering its diagnosis and treatment.
Material and methods: A randomized, prospective, double blind clinical trial was conducted in a second level hospital. Using tramadol as independent variable between two groups (experimental versus placebo). The statistical analysis was developed using a t test for independent groups and the Levene test for equality of variances.
Results: Statistically significant differences were detected between the control group (placebo) and the experimental group (tramadol), observing mainly the localization and decrease of pain on the experimental group.
Conclusions: Tramadol is one of the most used opioid analgesics, due to its price and accessibility, demonstrating that it does not modify the clinical information in AA patients. However, we need multicenter studies that use a larger population to obtain a higher statistical significance.
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