2001, Number 2
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Rev Endocrinol Nutr 2001; 9 (2)
Psichology and obesity
Vázquez VV, López AJC
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 91-96
PDF size: 160.15 Kb.
The obesity from the psychological point of view is difficult to define; since several theories psychological can be considered to explain it and that they stipulate his possible etiology and its treatment. Although the relation between the obesity and some psychological or behavioral syndrome of own characteristics is still not clear, it is more common to find personality alterations and psychiatric problems in obese people who in those of normal weight, since obesity can be visualized as the symptom or the consequence of a problem of psychological or social adjustment, that attempts against the emotional qualities, perception of the own operation, quality of life and social abilities of these people to any age, specially by the stigmatized characteristics by the society. This without forgetting the psychopathological consequences of the pursuit of diets and the weight cycling, where the behavioral treatment programs will have to be based on the self-control techniques, equipping to the subject of abilities that allow him to identify and to control their own conduct, improving the habits of feeding and the levels of physical activity, contributing to the diminution of problems like the lack of attachment to the therapy. However, since the psychological therapy does not cure the obesity either, the current effort must go directed to the secondary prevention of the recovery of the lost weight in the case of the adults and to the primary prevention in the case of the childhood obesity.
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