2018, Number 2
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Arch Med Fam 2018; 20 (2)
Uncertainty and its Repercussions: How do Young Doctors Feel about the Uncertainty in Their Professional Practice?
Rozenfeld LM, Muller AB
Language: Portugués
References: 44
Page: 59-74
PDF size: 339.58 Kb.
Purpose: The aim of this study was to develop a characterization profile of the perceptions and attitudes of resident physicians in a general hospital in São Paulo, Brazil addressing the uncertainties related to the care –
of patients.
Methods: Descriptive, comparative and cross-sectional study conducted from April to July 2013 with a convenience sample of 90 medical residents who completed the Physicians´ Reactions to Uncertainty (PRU) scale and provided demographic variables of gender, age and specialty.
Results: Comparing the Physician´s Reaction to Uncertainty score, authors identified a significant difference between age, year of residence and gender. Physicians who were female, less than 26 years old and who were in their first year of residency and had greater clinical uncertainty than men (p=0.002), older residents (p= 0,001), those in their second and third year of residency (p‹0,001). There were no significant differences by medical speciality (p=0,792).
Conclusion: Practical experience and age are important factors in clinical uncertainty in residence groups. The longer physicians are in practice, the less uncertainty they will experience. Ways to decrease the anxiety of and reluctance to disclose uncertainty to patient can include: 1) Practice together with experience doctors; 2) Clinical epidemiology; 3) knowledge of philosophy and 4) Humanistic teaching.
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