2005, Number 3
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Inv Salud 2005; 7 (3)
21st Century undernourishment and its impact on the emotions and coping strategies in school children
Flores VME, Troyo SR, Haro JLP, Lemus GA, Valle BMA, Muñóz TA
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 188-195
PDF size: 394.47 Kb.
During many years, undernourishment affecting
the child’s development was thought to be due
to the lack of nutrients or vitamins. Nowadays,
undernourishment is considered to be a disease
characterized in most of the cases not by a nourishing
deficiency, but rather by the absence of psychoaffective
stimulation in the mother-son relationship.
The type of early relationship of the child with its
mother can determine the development of the child’s
immunological, neuroendocrine and psychosocial
systems. The intention of the investigation is to
analyze the impact of early undernourishment on the
emotions and use of coping strategies that contribute
to the child’s development and maturation during
its participation in the school process. 263 boys
and girls from 6 to 8 years old were from public and
private school in the Municipality of Guadalajara,
Jalisco. Tape sways and the Waterlow technique
were used for the detection of undernourishment,
and the Eysenck personality scales, the Coan and
Catyell ESPQ, and the Brodzinsky CsCy scale were
used to identify the manifestations of emotions
and coping strategies. We reached the conclusion
that undernourished boys of all ages expressed
emotions and coping strategies in a negative
way. Only the girls expressed positive emotions
concerning extroversion; while 6 year old children
with a harmonic development showed emotions and
coping strategies in a negative way but expressed
positive emotions in all the other ages.
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