2005, Number s1
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Inv Salud 2005; 7 (s1)
Genetic Predisposition and Chronic Hepatitis C Virus
Vázquez VDM, Román MSM, Vázquez CJL, Panduro CA
Language: Spanish
References: 34
Page: 26-32
PDF size: 237.72 Kb.
Chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is one
of the main causes of morbidity and mortality
worldwide. The natural course of chronic infection
varies importantly between infected individuals. Most
infections in adults are self-limited, with clearance
of virus. However, some patients will develop chronic
hepatitis that can progress to fibrosis and cirrhosis
depending on a combination of genetic and
environmental factors together with genetic and
biological characteristics of HCV. The genetic
variability that effects the progression and outcome
of the disease depends on factors related to
fibrogenesis, grade of hepatic inflammation, and virus
binding. The genetic polymorphisms associated to
the outcome and severity of the HVC infection are:
apolipoprotein E (apoE), genes involved in the
immune response, such as, HLA-II, chemokines
CCR5) and their respective ligands, as well as TNF-
α and TGF-β genes.
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