2018, Number 2
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salud publica mex 2018; 60 (2)
Results of certification audit in Mexican hospitals, a review from 2009 to 2012
Galván-García ÁF, Vértiz-Ramírez JJ, Sauceda-Valenzuela AL, Poblano-Verástegui O, Ruelas-Barajas E, Sánchez-Domínguez MS
Language: Spanish
References: 39
Page: 202-211
PDF size: 408.75 Kb.
Objective. To analyze the participation of Mexican hospitals
in the certification process (equivalent to accreditation
in other countries).
Materials and methods. Crosssectional
study that analyzes results of 136 establishments
audited between 2009 and 2012. Standards with an excellent
rating (9.0-10.0), approving (6-8.9) and non-approving (0-5.9)
were identified. With a multinomial model, the probability of
obtaining non-approving, approving and excellent qualification
was calculated.
Results. The general average score
was 7.72, higher in ambulatory surgery centers (9.10), than
in general hospitals (7.30) and specialty hospitals (7.99). All
public establishments obtained an approval score. Hospitals
audited in 2011 had a higher risk of obtaining an approval
(RRR= 4.6,
p‹0.05) and excellent (RRR= 6.6,
p‹0.05) rating.
Conclusions. The scope of the certification process in
Mexico has been limited, with greater participation of the
private sector. The evaluation certificate applied in 2011
favored the achievement of approval and excellence results.
We recommend homologating the entire process with that
of the Joint Commission International JCI.
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