2017, Number 4
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2017; 20 (4)
Training parents and his effects in the change from problem behaviors in adolescence: design N = 1
Dapic-Sánchez JF, Galán-Cuevas S
Language: Spanish
References: 35
Page: 1272-1295
PDF size: 388.72 Kb.
Meantime a person passes from the childhood to the
adolescence multiple changes has come at different levels as
cognitive, emotional and behavioral. Which ones affects the
family relationship and if does not exist an appropriate
adjustment between parents and adolescences the well-being
from both it is committed. The training parent appears as
approach that gives the abilities through different behavioral
techniques to help parents in the solution of problem behavior
of his teenage children. The present is a single case design A-B
between different behaviors and subjects. The intervention was
focus to reduce aggressive and oppositional defiant behaviors
of two adolescences brothers. The results are presented
through the Conservative Dual- Criterion method (CDC) which
is a visual technique. The intervention has positive changes in
the reinforces used by the participant beside the reduction of
aggressive and oppositional defiant behaviors. Nevertheless,
lack of more participants and the inclusion of both parents in the
study limit the effects of the intervention.
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