2016, Number 3
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Rev Cubana Med Gen Integr 2016; 32 (3)
Influence of physical activity on the social and emotional behavior of children aged 2-5 years
Calero MS, Pastaz PDP, Cabezas FM, Fernández LA, Fernández CRR
Language: English
References: 41
Page: 1-16
PDF size: 180.57 Kb.
Introduction: The study of social and emotional behavior in children is associated
with their responses to a certain stimulus, inferring an analysis of the factors that
cause it and the design of the intervention strategies according to the needs
Objective: The present paper is aimed at the implementation of a group of physical
and recreational activities that contribute to enhance the social and emotional
behaviour of 25 children aged 2-5 years old, which show social and emotional
behaviour problems.
Methods: In the elaboration of the proposal were interviewed 30 workers that take
part in the research at 6 de Diciembre School in Quito, plus 40 members of the
community directly related to the sample studied (family and neighbors). The
research studies several indicators of social and emotional behaviour (emotional
state, behaviour, emotional and socialization disorders) before and after the
implementation of the proposal for a 12 month period.
Results: It is demonstrated through the Wilcoxon signed-rank test a significant
improvement throughout the research process (0,018) with 7 negative ranks and a tie
in favour of the post test.
Conclusion: The strategy designed had a positive influence in the social and
emotional conduct among of children aged 2-5 years, demonstrating that the physical
activity can become an alternative of social intervention.
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