2017, Number 2
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2017; 20 (2)
Partners of patients with a chronic disease. Narrative enquiry of hemophilia
Osorio GM, Chávez VSL, Silva SGM, Parrello S, Iorio I
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 548-569
PDF size: 226.36 Kb.
When a family member has a chronic disease, this group becomes the
first support network, which causes an allocation of roles and tasks to
cover all functions. In Mexico and many other countries lies with a
woman (usually the mother or wife) this responsibility, so this study
aimed to analyze the narrative of women partners of patients with
hemophilia (PWH), to investigate the repercussions of this chronic
disease in their relationship. Participated five women whose partners
have hemophilia, from 18 to 51 years, four in marriage and one in
courtship, whom apply a narrative interview. The instrument used is
the narrative interview. The corpus was subjected to a structural
semantic textual analysis through the ALCESTE program, which emerged seven kinds of lexical universes. The factorial analysis of
correspondences extracted two factors: the couple's adaptation to the
disease and attitude toward the disease. The association with the
illustrative variables show that participants with an enduring
relationship, however relate more conflict, are satisfied with their
relationship. In conclusion it is thought that the couple plays an
important role in the health-disease process and it is important that
they has adequate space for expression and joint development.
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