2017, Number 1
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2017; 20 (1)
Environmental evaluation of a regional house: sociocultural climate study of the “asturian center of Madrid”
Martínez-Otero PV
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 373-396
PDF size: 212.04 Kb.
This is essay depicts the sociocultural environment of a Regional
House. The first premise is that the physical and psychosocial
conditions of a particular place apply a relevant influence upon the
people who commonly develop any kind of activity within it. Because
of the singularity of the sociocultural environment studied it was
advisable to count with an original instrument to do the research, a
questionnaire created ad hoc. Although general aspects related with
any environment research are not avoided, as it has only descriptive
ambition, i.e., of ecosociocultural condition, the study presented here,
in the frame of a model both humanist and systemic, adopts, on one
hand, an idiographic perspective, as it has descriptive aspirations,
circumscribed to a kind of entity little to none studied before, and in
the other, a cognitive-perceptive perspective, as it comes from the
assement expressed by the subjects consulted, a total of a hundred
members. The results seem to show that the affective aspects -
“emotional meaning of the ambient”- have a relevant role in the
perception of the institutional environment.
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