2017, Number 2
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Rev Mex Angiol 2017; 45 (2)
Frecuencia y correlación de infarto agudo de miocardio durante transoperatorio y postoperatorio en pacientes sometidos a amputación de miembros pélvicos sin estratificación miocárdica
Tapia-Lazcano A, Bizueto-Rosas H, Serrato-Auld RC, Fuentes-Fernández Y, Lozada-Villalon N, Corpi-Quijada E, Espinoza-Espinosa JJ, Hernández-Pérez NA
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 64-72
PDF size: 133.83 Kb.
Background. The main cause of morbidity and mortality in developed countries are cardiovascular
diseases, being the most important the ischaemic heart disease and acute coronary syndromes. In our
Institute there are 128 thousand amputations of limbs per year; perioperative cardiac morbidity and
mortality is fundamentally a problem of the adult population the must to go under a minor surgery or
major non-cardiac surgery.
Material and methods. A prolective, longitudinal, observational, and analytical study was conducted
in patients undergoing major amputation of the lower limbs without myocardial stratification due
to infection or necrosis. Ischemic heart disease - risk factor where classified by recollecting demographic
data, including those patients who accepted by written inform all including those patients with more
than two cardiovascular risk factor to myocardial stroke. Statistical analysis: descriptive statistics,χ
Mann-Whitney test.
Results. Of 38 patients with amputation, 13.15% elevated ST segment, 7.89%, troponins 55.26%, hyperglycemia.
No statistically significant associations were found in the uni- or multivariate analysis.
In the correlation analysis found a value of 0.06 for the TA, without being statistically significant.
Conclusions. Cardiac complications may occur in patients with documented ischemic or asymptomatic,
subjected to surgical procedures associated with hemodynamic stress or cardiac arrest, so that there
is no justification for subjecting them to surgery without myocardial stratification.
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