2017, Number 3
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Rev Mex Neuroci 2017; 18 (3)
Effects of age-dependent environmental enrichment on behavior, cognitive function and neurochemical features
Mora-Gallegosaa A, Salasa S, Fornaguera TJ
Language: Spanish
References: 46
Page: 66-78
PDF size: 168.53 Kb.
Aging is associated with cognitive decline, which includes detrimental
effects on learning and memory. It has been suggested that
environmental enrichment may help to prevent the age-dependent
declining, but there are contradictory results. This may be due, at
least in part, to the wide spectrum of protocols of environmental
enrichment used, but in particular to the age at which the enrichment
starts. It has been reported that young animals may profit more
from the environmental enrichment than mature ones at behavioral
and neurochemical levels. Nevertheless, in our study, young and
mature adult rats were submitted to environmental enrichment and
both groups showed specific differences in habituation to a novel
environment, working and reference memory in a spatial task. Young
rats are clearly more active in a novel environment and radial maze
test, compared to mature rats. Cognitive strategies related to working
and reference memory were evaluated with radial maze test, and our
results show that mature and young rats have different strategies to
solve tasks, although young enriched rats have a better performance
on this test. These results are correlated with DA turnover in ventral
striatum (VS) and glutamate and GABA in hippocampus. Based in our
results, earlier developmental periods are shown to be more sensitive
to environmental enrichment, and on the other side, the cautiousness
showed by mature rats seems to be an effective strategy to solve
reference and working memory tasks.
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