2017, Number 1
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Rev Mex Invest Psic 2017; 9 (1)
Facial expressions and context. Social rules that condition the spontaneity of the facial expression of emotions
Rodríguez CM, Rodríguez SE
Language: Spanish
References: 67
Page: 55-72
PDF size: 149.70 Kb.
Social science and communications science have made a
breakthrough in researching human behavior by understanding
the individual as part of systems. To do so, they observe
human behavior starting from a post-modern epistemological
level that involves the systemic and cybernetic thought.
This theory portrays a form of thought and construction of
the reality; a reality that understands that each human behavior
conditions and is conditioned by its own context, and
in this acquires a meaning. The objective of this work is to
make a brief tour through conceptualizations and important
studies that would allow us to understand the “spontaneous”
phenomenon of emotional expression through gestures, and
to observe how, in a meta-level, the context regulates, sets
limits, and expands the gestures in accordance with the rigidity
or flexibility of its rules. In this way, the gesture’s spontaneity
is regulated by a display rule, therefore in that way, we
are involved in a paradox.
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