2017, Number 3
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Correo Científico Médico 2017; 21 (3)
Clinical epidemiological description of conglobate acne in Holguin and Granma provinces
Rojas BR, Martínez VG, Santos FN, Mederos AL, Tamayo CV, Álvarez OJ
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 693-705
PDF size: 505.29 Kb.
Introduction: acne is one of the most frequent dermatology affections in medical practices, and conglobate acne is characterized as uncommon. The genesis of this illness is complicated and depends on the interaction of many factors, for example the genetic factors.
Objective: to describe histopatological, epidemiological and clinically the conglobate acne incidence in some families from Holguín–Granma regions.
Method: a case series study was carried out for the period from January 2000 to December 2014. The environmental context where the patients were developed was described. The patients were examined to make the family tree, clinical follow-up of lesions and biopsy for histopathological study.
Results: the disease affected women and men before the age of 21. The nodule cystic lesions were the first ones. Nodules, macrocomedones, fistulized conglomerates, scar flanges had little resolution capacity with conventional treatment and reached large sizes as the evolution time advanced. The lesions were distributed with a preference in the back, underarms and glutes. Histopathological changes were hyperkeratosis with corneal plugs, follicular alterations and the presence of epidermal inclusion cysts with fistulous pathways. The inheritance behaved autonomously dominant. The areas with the highest number of cases were those located on the banks of the Cauto River and in surrounding areas.
Conclusions: the diagnostic elements of the disease, both clinical and epidemiological, as well as histopathological, were defined.
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