2017, Number 3
Clinical laboratory parameters in obese patients and its relationship with metabolic syndrome
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 678-692
PDF size: 371.81 Kb.
Introduction: the body weight and the state of health are in close relationship. Obesity commonly affects people all around the world.Objective: to assess the levels of some biochemical parameters in patients with android obesity and an early diagnosis of the metabolic syndrome.
Methods: a series of cases study, using a sample of 75 patients with android obesity, from "Pedro del Toro Saad" in Holguín municipality was carried out. The period extended from January 2015 to January 2016. Quantitative determinations of the intended parameters used, as well as, descriptive and association measures.
Results: 29.33% of the obese were between 31 and 40 years, evidencing a significant prevalence in young adults with severe obesity. 30.66% of the sample and 50% of the group with severe obesity had high glycemia; there was an association between their levels and the degree of obesity. 62.66%, 68.0% and 58.66% of the patients had high levels of cholesterol, triglycerides and Apo B, respectively. In the three weight groups, decreased HDL values predominated, severe obesity was observed in 91.66% of this type of patients, and in the case of Apo A, 75% of patients with severe obesity had decreased values.
Conclusions: there was a predominance of the degree of mild obesity, observing considerable numbers of the severe one, especially in young adults. Laboratory parameter levels mostly expressed patterns of high atherogenic risk, associated with increased body mass index. The metabolic syndrome was diagnosed in all patients.
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